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On The Edge

ZSL’s EDGE of Existence programme has an ongoing collaboration with On the Edge, to support the science, conservation and storytelling that is key to saving EDGE species.

On the Edge is positioned to champion biodiversity and change the narrative for nature, catalysing worldwide positive action for conservation. On the Edge acts to change the outlook for often-overlooked Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered (EDGE) species. Through long-term partnerships, providing support for innovative conservation action, science, and story-telling, On the Edge strives for transformational impact around the world. Their approach is designed to inspire positive engagement in both adults and the next generation. On the Edge’s vision is a world in which wildlife and humanity can co-exist in a balanced and sustainable way, and in which nature is universally and instinctively valued for its unparalleled contribution to our planet and our way of life.

A comprehensive five-year commitment to ZSL’s EDGE of Existence programme will:

  • Build local capacity to conserve priority EDGE species through supporting selected EDGE fellows and EDGE Heroes. On the Edge has supported:
    Sandeep Das, India: purple frog Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis
    Arnaud Tchassem, Cameroon: Bamboutos Egg FrogLeptodactylodon axillari
    Rotsinomena Andriamisedra, Madagascar: Aye ayeDaubentonia madagascariensis
    Carolina Rivera González, Mexico: Various salamander species
    Margarita Sánchez Losada, Cuba: Cuban SolenodonAtopogale cubana
    Sebastián Gómez, Brazil: Brazilian GuitarfishPseudobatos horkelii
    Arpithamol C Joy, India: Dattatreya Night Frog, Nyctibatrachus dattatreyaensis
    Ashmita Shrestha, Nepal: Elongated Tortoise, Indotestudo elongata
    R S Naveen, India: Charles Darwin’s FrogIngerana charlesdarwini
    Tharushi Malshani, Sri Lanka: Ornate Paradisefish, Malpulutta kretseri
  • Enhance the team’s capacity to achieve effective communication, education and public awareness alongside robust social science research and impact evaluation. This is achieved through the support of a Story-telling internship and the Social Dimensions Specialist.
  • Advance the science that underpins the prioritisation of EDGE species, enabling discussion and debate at key conferences such as the International Congress of Conservation Biology (Kuala Lumpur, July 2019) and supporting dedicated post-doctoral research.
  • Facilitate the networking of EDGE Fellows, Affiliates, and staff, through supporting attendance at training courses and conferences, such as the fourth Capacity Building for Conservation Conference (London, July 2019).


© Sandeep Das