Osé Pauléus
- Project name: Saving the Hispaniolan solenodon in Duchity, Haiti
- Project site: Duchity, Haiti
- EDGE species: Haitian solenodon Solenodon paradoxus
- Active: 2008 - 2008
Osé completed a degree in Agroforestry and Environmental Sciences at the American University of the Caribbean, in Les Cayes, Haїti. He has been actively involved with conservation and humanitarian projects in Haїti since graduating and has attended numerous courses on agronomy, environmental education and community development.
Osé is an experienced and trained community development worker who has participated and organised environmental education and awareness-building programs throughout many years of volunteering with a number of environmental NGOs and youth projects.
EDGE Project
Osé’s project aimed to:
- Gather quantitative data on the distribution, abundance, ecology and threat status of the Hispaniolan solenodon throughout the Massif de la Hotte in order to evaluate the educational needs of the people in the communities
- Design an environmental education program to raise awareness of the Hispaniolan solenodon through the region
- Promote sustainable management on natural resources for the benefit of local communities and regional biodiversity